Thursday, April 6, 2017

Episode 6 – The big day is finally here

 December 3rd, it is!

All that paranoid feelings about if you have missed anything that is important really gets in to you. Last night (Dec 2nd) I in fact did unpack the entire bag and repacked it – shows how paranoid I was. I am beyond excited about this whole experience because of the mountain and a bunch of other things may be. Pitta was supposed to pick me at 1.30 PM and I can’t clearly describe how much I was waiting for him to come.

I was all ready and my mum even took a picture of me after I was ready (I now wonder what her intentions were but I convinced myself at that point that it was out of her habit of clicking pictures of anything that is around). I wore my fancy luminous green shoes with black pants and a black sweater.

Here comes a small Nano car and I loaded my backpack in and got in the backseat. It was warm and I felt safer – Do not know if it was the effect of Pitta being next to me or because I kept on telling myself that I would do ok.

I should say as usual we were the late comers. Rest of them were waiting eagerly to check in. So we exchanged cash to Nepalese Rupee and walked in. All procedures done and checked in. We were given the little summit madness badges as little tokens :) which were tagged on our bags/ sweaters.

So we do the iconic first groupie “all set to go” pic with everyone smiling (not really knowing what we are really going to put ourselves through in the next two weeks) and then gets an official to take another pic too.

Himalayan airways were used as they were the only direct flight operator to Nepal.
Somehow got a seat exchanged next to my most favorite 😇😇😇 in a flight full of Nepalese (who seemed mostly like they were forced to fly for some reason). It was mostly sleeping and eating during the flight.
We landed in Kathmandu safely around 8.20 PM. The social bees bought sims to keep in touch with the world and I am not sure why but I bought a sim as well which I never used during the trip. This process took almost one and half hours as there were only two officials catering to a queue (not sure if I could call a queue – more like a bunch of people trying to get ahead of each other ). We changed some cash from the airport too – money exchange also had a YETI in it :)
We were being greeted by Bijaya (our travel coordinator in Nepal) and guess what – we even got garlands around our necks – on a separate note, that was one of our requirements to Summit madness/Dayan and we never knew he would do it. It was fun! So selfies were a must.

Let me explain Bijaya’s personality a little more – He is the most silent, calm and composed agent I have ever seen. Even his most urgent demand would sound more calm than my most calm tone.

We were taken to the hotel where we would be spending two nights. So we had already got our rooms assigned as we preferred. And our fitness fanatic very voluntarily tried to replicate the "dress rehearsal" we did by now realizing this might not be possible in the mountains.
We had a quick change and stepped out in Kathmandu streets to roam a bit and to have dinner. After checking out a few places we checked in to an Italian restaurant where I first tasted momos. ( Review - I did not like it much )

We were entertained by a drunk waiter in the restaurant. He was so funny and we were so exhausted and it was the perfect combination that was required at that moment. (I uploaded a video directly on FB as blogger doesn't let me upload anything over 100MB - classic) We parted promising to visit them the following day as well. We step out to head back to the hotel.

It was a cold night in Kathmandu and I could not even think of how it would be in the mountains.

All this was followed by snuggles, cuddles and sleep.

We had to be fresh to do some sightseeing and shopping for many things which we postponed as we were going to get from KTM.

Next up – We go shopping...

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